The appointments of the Thessaloniki Exosomal Committee will now only be available electronically by sending a message from 1/7/2023 to ivfepitropithessalonikis@eopyy.gov.gr. Insured persons and/or Assisted Reproduction Units will henceforth send an email in order to schedule their appointment(s) with the Commission. The following fields must be listed and fully completed in the email:






The Commission will, by reply letter, set the date for sending – filing the file at the administrative headquarters of the Commission.

As regards the procedure, please note that the file will be assessed medically, after first of all ensuring that the supporting documents contained in the file are administratively complete. For this reason, please ensure that the supporting documents sent and indicated on the relevant referral form are checked thoroughly and that all deadlines are met. It is important and at the same time appropriate to point out that the scheduling of the appointment should precede the performance of the tests.

EOPYY Commission on Intrauterine devices

IVF and Ovulation Induction Committee approval procedures

In order to have a child, married and unmarried adult women up to 50 years old can resort to Medically Assisted Reproduction (AI) – IVF.

If the conditions are met, each woman is entitled to undergo assisted reproduction up to four times in total and at least every four months.

Each judgement of the committee will be based on two attempts, which cannot be less than 4 months or more than a year apart. In other words, it shall be valid for one year from the date of the Commission’s approval.

The date of the start of the attempt is the date of ovulation. Medication shall be administered once per attempt.

Insured persons must have a complete file with supporting documents and a completed special referral form. The Commission will only accept the original supporting documents, which remain in the insured person’s file and cannot be returned.

In the event of a negative decision by the committee, the insured may request a new appointment after 6 months.

The supporting documents required by the IVF Committee must be the originals and are the following:

Referral from the Gynecologist (to the Commission)

ID or passport with photo or driver’s license with photo

Insurance Capacity (via ATLAS)

AMKA ( Social Security Number)

Proof of residential address (from Registry Information via TaxisNet, or a certificate from the Municipality)

Responsible Declaration form certified for the original signature in KEP

Last semester’s marriage certificate or Notarial certificate in the case of an unmarried couple

Examinations for both, to screen for human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1, HIV-2), Hepatitis B and C, and syphilis (VDR, or RPR) last semester.

For the woman, check last trimester estrogen, gonadotropins, prolactin and thyroid hormones.

Two sperm charts with a minimum interval of 75 days from each other, while the oldest of them should not be more than one year from the date of examination of the incident by the Commission.

[ In the event of an abnormal spermogram, a urologist’s medical opinion is required on the possible causes of the disease, the therapeutic effort made and whether it was effective. ]

Hysterosalpingography which must have been done within the last 5 years or alternatively, laparoscopy report.

If there is complete tubal obstruction, a spermogram is required to check for male factor, while in case of bilaterally proven tubal surgery, hysterosalpingography is not required.

Last semester’s ultrasound with a report signed by a gynecologist or radiologist

The Committee shall have the right to request additional examinations in these cases:

In the case of abnormalities or findings from the endometrial cavity, hysteroscopy or treatment and a review of the matter is required.
In the case of endometriotic cysts larger than 3 cm, in which case treatment and review of the matter after 6 months is required.

If the couple comes to the Commission for the second time to claim the remaining IVF attempts to which they are entitled, the necessary documentation will include a completed “Report of Previous Attempts”

In the case of previous failed inseminations, the sperm activation test must be presented, accompanied by the opinion of the performing doctor.

Supporting documents required for ovulation/insemination

The maximum age limit for ovulation and insemination is 45 years

One spermogram
A hysterosalpingogram of the last two years with a certificate showing that there is no tubal factor.
Identity card or passport

Provided the conditions are met, each woman is entitled to undergo ovulation induction up to four times in total.

Specific referral forms are available to physicians via e-diagnosis as well as via the EOPYY website.

Thessaloniki Commission: Based at the General Hospital of Thessaloniki “Hippokratio” 49 Konstantinoupoleos Street, Thessaloniki. Telephone number for appointments: 2310 594832

Receipt of Intrauterine Medicines

Receiving drugs for IVF.

The proprietary medicinal products (gonadotropins) are administered exclusively by EOPYY pharmacies following a decision by the Commission.

After approval, the insured person contacts the treating doctor so that the medicines for her treatment can be prescribed electronically.

1st attempt

– The Commission’s decision must be presented.

– If at the 1st attempt the insured is delayed in receiving the treatment of the first attempt of each approval decision and comes to the pharmacies of the EOPY after 30 days from the granting of the approval, in addition to the decision of the Commission, a b-chorionic gonadotropin test of the last 10 days must be presented.

2nd attempt

To obtain drugs from the EHIC pharmacies for the 2nd attempt of any Commission approval decision, insured persons must provide:

– The Commission’s decision

– Last 10-day chorionic gonadotropin beta test.

– A medical certificate from the reproduction centre where the previous attempt was made and in which the attending gynaecologist confirms that the drugs of the previous attempt have been used. As part of the rational use of medicines, the EOPYY pharmacy will deduct the quantity left over from the previous attempt (as long as the expiry date of the medicines has not passed) from the total number of units provided for the next attempt. This certificate will be signed by the attending physician and stamped by the Centre.

EOPYY pharmacy in Thessaloniki. Mihail Kalou 6

Reimbursement of expenditure on medicines

Reimbursement of the costs of the IVF allowance

Reimbursement of assisted reproduction expenses to directly and indirectly insured persons, aged up to 50 years and up to 4 completed attempts.

For insured persons undergoing in vitro fertilisation (ovulation and embryo transfer), the amount of EUR 352,16 is reimbursed in accordance with the state tariff, while in the case of an incomplete attempt, half of the state tariff, i.e. EUR 176,08, is reimbursed.

Supporting documents for reimbursement of compensation for IVF

1. Decision of the IVF Committee to carry out IVF.

2. A certificate from the Centre/healing doctor stating that the insured person has undergone IVF, which phases of IVF were performed (ovulation and embryo transfer) and the dates of these phases.

3. A receipt for the provision of services indicating the phases of in vitro fertilisation

4. Health booklet of the insured person

5. Photocopy of a Bank account in which the insured is a beneficiary or co-beneficiary.

The Thessaloniki Commission: It is located at the General Hospital of Thessaloniki “Hippokratio” 49 Konstantinoupoleos Street, Thessaloniki. Telephone number for appointments: 2310 594832