Egg Donation

Egg Donation

Assisted reproduction techniques have made the dream of many couples come true. One of these techniques allows even a woman who cannot produce her own eggs to achieve pregnancy through IVF with egg donation.

This treatment gives hope to women who are unable to have a child, for example:

  • In women whose ovaries stopped working prematurely, a condition called premature ovarian failure. Many causes can cause this condition and several are not known, but in some cases it may be due to ovarian surgery, exposure to chemotherapy drugs, exposure to radiotherapy or autoimmune diseases.
  • In women whose ovaries do not function from birth and do not produce eggs.
  • In women who do not have good quality eggs and therefore their eggs cannot support pregnancy or women who do not respond to treatment drugs.
  • In women who carry genetic abnormalities in their chromosomes that should not be passed on to their child.

In all these cases, women have the option to conceive with donor eggs if they have a normal uterus.

According to the relevant law, donors are women under the age of 34 who donate their eggs either anonymously or on an anonymous basis and for no consideration. It should be noted that donation between siblings is also permitted. The donors are clinically and psychologically screened, undergo all the required tests and receive compensation for their physical strain exactly as the law stipulates.

In this technique every effort is made to ensure that the donor’s phenotypic characteristics and blood group match those of the woman who will receive the eggs (recipient).

In order to carry out the treatment, the menstrual cycles of the two women must be synchronised, which is achieved by administering medication. Gonadotropins, drugs used in IVF, are given to the donor, and at the same time the recipient is treated so that her uterus is properly prepared to accept the pregnancy. When the donor’s eggs are ready, they are retrieved just as in traditional IVF.

The eggs are fertilised in the laboratory – extracorporeally – with the sperm of the woman’s husband or permanent partner, and then the fertilised eggs are implanted 2-3 days after the fertilisation in the womb of the woman (the recipient) who will give birth to them.

The remaining embryos can be cryopreserved for future use.

See also:

Legal framework – Egg Donation – Contact Karagiannis Law Office